Hello there! 👋
I'm Shaunak. I am a UX designer with my roots in computer science. Currently, I am an HCI graduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park. In the recent past, I designed and developed software experiences for OYO and Belvilla. I also spent some time designing for an early-stage mental health startup, All Ears. During my undergrad, I have completed tech internships with global companies VMware and JP Morgan Chase & Co.

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I like to write and express my thoughts... 🖊
I'm fascinated by technology and design, and I like to put together my views in the form of articles on Medium. I often write about apps, smartphones, design trends, etc. Here are some of my best articles:
My journey
Fall 2018
Where it started 💭
During my pre-final year at college, I was introduced briefly to the concepts of HCI and UX in one of the electives. The topic instantly grabbed my interest, and the next moment, I found myself searching the Internet about everything related to this field.
Early 2019
Exploring 🤝
I connected with many people in the field of HCI and design, and came to know what exactly this is about. People with a variety of expertise, such as User Research, UX Design, Product Design, UX Writing etc. helped me take the right steps.
Fall 2019
The learning begins 📚
Based on the recommendations of experienced and skilled professionals in the UX community, I dived into the learning path by taking online courses on Coursera.
Late 2020 & Early 2021
Getting ready 👨‍💻
I got my hands dirty with design by taking up some passion projects on my own. Out of interest, I also started writing articles on Medium.
Mid 2021
Freelancing 👨‍🎨
I got a real-world design experience by freelancing at an early stage startup, All Ears. I realized the need to expand my knowledge and skillset to grow more.
Fall 2022
New beginnings 🎓
I joined the University of Maryland, College Park for a master's degree in HCI to learn all-things UX.
What next?
I'm excited and hope to intern this upcoming summer! 🤩